Friday, February 13, 2009

Old Meets New at the Leander, Texas Rail Station

The Leander Train Station in Leander, Texas was the site of a Capital MetroRail Open House Saturday, Feb. 7, 2009 to show off its sleek, new commuter Swiss made trains. The old Austin Steam Train came by on its run to Bertram during the Open House. It was like the meeting of the old and the new. The new commuter rail service will start running March 30th, 2009.

The old Austin Steam Train meets sleek new Swiss Trains at the Leander Train Station Open House in Leander, Texas

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ethiopian Food in Austin Texas

I have eaten at Astor's Ethiopian Restaurant in Austin, Texas a couple of times. Located at IH 35 south of 38th at the corner of Dean Keaton. 512-786-9524 right by UT. Another restaurant I want to try is:

Karibou Ethiopian Restaurant & Bar
1209 E. 7th Street
Austin, TX 78702


RECYCLING Electronic Gear

Radio Shack is RECYCLING electronic gear. Trade-in used, working small electronic items thru and get a gift card to spend on new electronics.